Qui Nous Sommes

Nous sommes situés à Knoxville, Tennessee et travaillons pour inclure les habitants de Knoxville dans notre communauté francophone. Nous avons des réunions mensuelles et des événements tout au long de l'année. Notre communauté est un groupe diversifié de personnes qui partagent un amour pour la langue française, la culture et l'amitié.

Who We Are

We are located in Knoxville, Tennessee and work to include the people of Knoxville in our French community. We have monthly meetings and events throughout the year. Our community is a diverse group of people who share a love for French language, culture, and friendship.

Recent Updates:

March 2025

L'événement AFK du mois de mars sera la projection du film Hôtel Silence le mercredi 26 mars, de 18h30 à 21h à l'Université du Tennessee, dans l’Auditorium Lindsay Young, (Pièce 101) dans la Bibliothèque John C. Hodges au 1015 blvd Volunteer , Knoxville, TN 37996.

The AFK event for March will be the screening of the film Hôtel Silence on Wednesday March 26th, from 6:30 – 9 PM at the University of Tennessee, in the Lindsay Young Auditorium, (Room 101) in the John C. Hodges Library 1015 Volunteer Blvd, Knoxville, TN 37996.

Quick links:

AFUSA: With the movement to online events, many AFs are making their events available to members of other AFs. The Federation has completely revamped its Cultural Offerings page to include featured virtual events across the network. https://afusa.org/featured-events/

French Culture in the Southeast: You may subscribe for free to a newsletter about French Culture in the Southeast from the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States. https://frenchculture.org/

Fondation des Alliances Françaises: https://www.fondation-alliancefr.org/

Conseil d'Administration


Laurent Zunino


Paul Barrette


Dawn Patelke


Erika Green


Jean Pierre Granju


Joan Easterly

Comité de planification:

Drew Crosby

Comité de planification:

Michele Valkenaar